Why futuristic schools should offer training in coding and robotics?

Future-ready learning for future-ready students.

Today’s world is a digital world infused with technology every which way we look. We live in homes interconnected with smart devices, software, and gadgets that make our lives much easier. And every day this technology is continuously advancing, improving, and innovating. One such technology gaining much attention is Robotics. It is no more a thing of the future, it’s already here in our everyday lives, in medicine, home maintenance, transport, and so on. So it only makes sense that the students of today’s digitised world learn this technology from a young age.

Our young Gen Z students are no strangers to technology, instead, they are digital natives, most of whom have never known a world without a smartphone. They are familiar with and even embrace the usage of digital tools that enhance learning. Global adoption of technology in education is transforming the way we teach and learn and even more so after the unique situation of a worldwide pandemic that forced more than 1.6 billion students to study from home.

The pandemic brought into view the importance for students to be future-ready and include many digital trends as part of their curriculum. In 2021, these trends promise to become the standard of teaching while continuously innovating and improving. Some of those trends being Robotics and Coding. Including these subjects as a part of the school curriculum is not only because the demand for STEM-related jobs is growing and programmers are being hired in almost every field, but also because it will help strengthen a child’s critical thinking skills, improve logical, analytical and computational abilities, make them realise the importance of teamwork, be creative and innovative thus leading to them becoming more productive members of society.

Here are a few reasons for including robotics and coding as part of the classroom:

1.     Improves creative thinking

This field of study incorporates fun, learning, and creativity. Robotics by definition is a ‘cool’ thing to learn and with Robotics and coding students have the opportunity to create something all by themselves and then program it to make it perform the actions that they want.

2.     Introduction to Programming

Programming is an excellent skill to have, though sometimes it can be a little abstract and difficult to understand. Robotics and coding are simpler to understand and demystifies programming. With robotics and coding, students learn the skills needed to create precise and accurate instructions and have fun while learning valuable lessons. The stepping stones to programming.

3.     Useful skills for future

There’s no doubt that there will be a need for people involved in robotics in the foreseeable future. Through programming robots, students can discover if they have the aptitude, interest and potential for such a field. By introducing students to robotics in school and exposing them to the know-how of coding, they can discover hidden talents, skills and abilities that they never knew they had.

4.     Teamwork

Studying coding and robotics can help incorporate a range of skills and inculcate a learning environment for students with different talents and skills. By working as a team made of different individual abilities, the students will appreciate and learn the importance of teamwork.

These reasons and more are why schools and educators should offer training and classes in robotics and coding; topics that are already breaking new ground in learning methodologies around the world. New World International School already has advanced technologically led learning frameworks in place which include robotics and coding. Their curriculum is oriented towards futuristic Enterprise 4.0 education parameters and are leading the change in learning methodologies. Extensive use of the latest technology in education is already a practice across classrooms from IQ Panels, Digital Displays to technology-enabled learning and early exposure to STEAM & Enterprise 4.0 disciplines which include coding and robotics. These technology-integrated courses provide an in-depth, hands-on learning that ensures every student is comfortable with the tech aspects of a rapidly changing world.

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